
mylittleci mylittleci Documentation Status

A Python project template with focus on CI. See the Github Actions runs for details.


Get the code and execute it

git clone [this repo]
cd [this repo]
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -e .

# Run binaries found in venv/bin, e.g. the example app
calculator --help

Run linting, formatting, dead code search, static type checking, tests and build docs

pip install tox

Use tox option -r to re-use the tox venv for faster execution. See tox.ini for detailed info on the different sessions you can run individually using tox -e <env_name>.

Please consult the tox docs on usage.

Add your own code

  • Create a new Python module or package in e.g. src/mylittleci/cli for command line interface (CLI) applications
  • Add its entrypoint (ususally a “main” function), if any, in
  • Add any dependencies into requirements.txt
  • In the mylittleci venv, use a local development install: pip install -U -e .
  • Run the executable representing your entrypoint from venv/bin
  • Add test for the tool in tests
  • Run tests quickly to test your changes by executing Pytest: pytest <path to your test>
  • Finally, run all tests, coverage and linting by executing tox: tox

Try to keep tool documentation within the module/package as module/class/function docstrings.

Build wheel

In the venv:

pip install -U wheel
python bdist_wheel
# Find your wheel in the 'dist' folder

Bump Python package version

The Python package and wheels will base its version on the latest git tag.

# create tag
git tag 1.0.0

# push
git push origin 1.0.0

# or for gerrit, push ref:
git push origin 1.0.0 HEAD:refs/for/master

Further customization

This project serves as a template for a generic Python project.

To make it your own, go through the below steps in a fork or copy of this repository.

Decide on CI features

Edit tox.ini to use the features you want. A recommendation is e.g. to pick either black or yapf, not both.

If you feel pylint is too picky, just go with flake8, rather than adding a truckload of non-default settings to pylint.

Adjust any preferences in setup.cfg

All pytest plugins, linters, formatters etc can be configured from within setup.cfg. Remove what you don’t need and customize to your heart’s content.

Black is the exception, which do not offer setting anything up from within setup.cfg. If you must configure black (which goes against one the core ideas behind black) use its pyproject.toml or add command line arguments to the black command.

A general recommendation is to keep the non-defaults to a minimum for easier integration with other projects or when copy-pasting code to others and from e.g. Stack Overflow.

Line lengths have been set to accomodate for black’s default line length of 88.


Documentation is done with Sphinx, and you can find all configuration in docs/ View the built documentation by downloading it from one of the the Github Actions runs.

You can import your documentation into readthedocs e.g. by entering the details manually here. See the .readthedocs.yml file for the configuration. Then set up a webhook to make pushed commits rebuild your docs.


Enter the tests folder. In here you can use the tests/ and the tests/ to define your test plan and test strategy.

Add/remove test category folders as needed. You might want to create separate tox environments in tox.ini so you can easily run e.g. the unit tests separately from other tests.

Replace the “mylittleci” dummy project name

I’ve left the hardest part to last… :wink:

Replace every occurance of mylittleci, in this repo with the name of your project, preferably using a search-replace tool. Don’t forget the src/mylittleci folder.